About Us
Member Organization
CM Members Federal Credit Union was chartered in 1961. The charter members gave freely of their time, expertise, and money to get the credit union started. Their primary goal was to offer employees of the sponsor groups a financial alternative which would pay above market rates on savings and offer low-interest rates on loans. Today, CM Members Federal Credit Union is a strong, full-service financial cooperative. A variety of financial services enable us to meet our members’ financial needs efficiently and effectively without compromising our personal touch.
Who Can Join?
Membership in CM Members Federal Credit Union is limited to employees who work within our sponsor groups and their immediate families.
Online membership application coming soon!
Membership is open to:
Columbus Light & Water
City of Columbus
4 County
Gennesee & Wyoming
Barnhart Crane
APAC of Mississippi
Postal Services
Golden Triangle Waste
Mississippi Materials
Falcon Contracting
Phillips Contracting
Burford Electric
Columbus Lowndes Recreation
Columbus Roll Shop
PERS of Mississippi
Industrial Fabricators
Columbus Lowndes Public Library
How Does the Credit Union Operate?
An annual meeting of the membership is held each February, and volunteers are elected to serve on the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors make the policies that govern the operation of the credit union. The Board appoints a supervisory committee to periodically audit the credit union to ensure that policies are being followed. The Board of Directors, supervisory committee, and credit union staff ensure that all member transactions are held in strict confidence.
How Can I Become a Member?
Simply come by the credit union with your Social Security card and a picture ID. Ask to see a Member Services Representative and deposit a minimum of $5.00. Should you leave the employment, you may continue your membership by maintaining a balance in your Share Account. “Once a member, always a member” is part of the credit union philosophy.
Basic Credit Union Rules
Primary Account
Your primary account at the credit union is a share savings account. You MUST maintain a $105.00 balance in this account to be eligible for other credit union services such as Loans, Checking Accounts, Christmas Club Accounts, etc. Please do not ask us to honor a withdrawal request that will take your account below this minimum. To do so costs the credit union, and therefore its members, money.
Secondary Accounts
Secondary Accounts are accounts such as extra Savings Accounts for a specific purpose: Christmas Club, Vacation Club, Checking, and Certificates of Deposit. You are eligible for these accounts once you have met the requirements for membership that apply to your primary account. Your eligibility for these accounts can be revoked if you do not maintain your $105.00 minimum balance in your primary (Share) Account.
Loan Accounts
Loans from your credit union are a privilege that you earn by maintaining your membership in the credit union and by having a good credit history. Loans are made from funds deposited by the entire membership of the credit union. Therefore, loan requests are carefully scrutinized and strict guidelines are followed to protect our members deposits from loss. Examiners from the State Banking Department monitor all activities of the credit union very closely and change the requirements the credit union must meet as they see fit. All loan payments are due on the 15th of the month, unless a special payment date is requested by the member and approved by the loan officer and credit union manager. Loan payments are considered past due the day after they are due. For loan payments that are made from Payroll deductions that are deposited into your primary Share Account, you must maintain a balance in that account of the $105.00 minimum balance plus the amount of your loan payments to be eligible for withdrawals.
REMEMBER — Credit union membership is a privilege. As a member, you will generally earn a higher rate of return on your deposits and pay a lower rate on your loans. To be able to do this, a credit union must be selective in who it allows to be members, and those members must maintain a good relationship with the credit union in order to avoid situations that cost the credit union, and therefore its membership, money.